I need you to tell me that I’m enough.
I texted my husband this message the way a sinking ship shoots up a flare.
Perhaps you’ve been in a similar sinking boat of emotions, feeling run down, depleted, or small.
Worthless, even.
I can barely whisper this bully of a word. I certainly don’t want you to know how I’ve cowered in its shadow most of my life.
Worthlessness is the single thread running through all my issues—all my hang-ups and failings.
Am I enough? Am I worthy of time, attention, affection?
This slave driver runs my life, driving me to prove myself to the world, but here’s the good news. We can choose to bask in God’s love.
We can trade worthlessness for wild love. Share on X
My friend Mary DeMuth just wrote a whole book on this subject. In Worth Living: How God’s Wild Love for You Makes You Worthy, Mary teaches us how to defeat the 10 lies that kill our worth.
If you find yourself engulfed in the flames of insecurity, this book extinguishes fire.
It teaches how to get off the treadmill of perfectionism, how to unshackle your worth from your to-do lists.
And I’m learning so much from it, bookmarking page after page, like this gem:
“If our worth is settled, we no longer have to run around this life desperately trying to prove it. We no longer have to use people’s opinions to feel better about ourselves. We can give up trying to do so many things in order to garner applause.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of doing things out of worry, fear, and guilt.
When we know God’s audacious love deep in our bones, “we live an abundant life based on our worth. We become irresistible to others who are hungry for our settled sense of worth and worthiness,” Mary writes.
So, when I’m tempted to believe my worth hinges on my productivity—how well I’m measuring up to my to-do list, I remember the truth.
This book ya’ll!—if you buy and read one book this year, you won’t regret this one.
You are wildly, wonderfully loved. You don’t have to live with roller-coaster feelings of unworthiness. Share on X
You are enough! You are a gem.
Fran, thanks for all your encouragement!
As Fran said about, you are enough. And you’re a terrific communicator. Thank you for interacting with the book.
Thanks Mary.