Yesterday I really blew it with my kids.
I was cranky and irritable. Between yelling, I prayed, “Lord, help me get my attitude turned around.” But it didn’t happen.
By the time I dropped the kids off at VBS (small mercies!) I felt like the worst mom ever. As I drove home that familiar voice of shame began inciting me to beat myself up. But then I remembered two little words that changed everything.
But Jesus . . .
Those words stopped the guilt and shame beat down and ushered in peace. Yes, I failed my kids and God.
But Jesus . . .
- Jesus bore the guilt and shame of my sin.
- Jesus already forgave me.
- Jesus lived a perfect life because I could never.
How much time do I spend thinking about about all my shortcomings? Do you do this too? This kind of obsession with sin makes us forget the whole point of Jesus.
When I obsess about trying to live a perfect life and rehearse all the ways I don’t measure up, I miss precious opportunities to remember what Jesus has done on my behalf.
Sin consciousness robs us of the joy and peace of remembering that we have a Savior.
When I hatch endless self-improvement plans I take my eyes off the ways my failures have already been provided for.
But Jesus . . .
- Jesus died for my sins.
- He purchased my peace.
- Jesus paid the highest price so I wouldn’t have to dress in the rags of shame.
- He eagerly welcomes me back into His arms after I fail.
- Jesus still loves me.
And He still loves you.
Diane Virginia Cunio says
Thanks, sister, for this reminder of Jesus’ forgiveness and love. It is expertly penned, and carries an impactful message.